In case you have an issue like it’s not working for some voodoo possession in your PC, try restoring a clean backup of your *_Data\Managed\Assembly-CSharp.dll file, then following the previous steps again. Now you can install mods using it and they won’t conflict with regular IDs. Done, close the prompt once it’s finished and MoreSlotID is now installed/updated. To ignore the message just press enter and continue with the instructions.Ĭ. NOTE FOR PEOPLE STUCK IN HONEYSELECT 1.10 FOR SOME REASON: It will tell you to please check the existence of StudioNEO’s dll. Please note that it can update from both 1.1 and 1.2. If it says “Patched”, that means that you already had patched with MoreSlotID 1.3. No screen for this as my game is patched, but it should say Finished. IF YOU USE THE VR EXECUTABLE OF HONEYSELECT:Press 4 too to patch this executable’s binaries, it will give you MoreSlotID support in VR too (already confirmed to work!). Third step is only to fix an issue when updating from 1.0. IF YOU ARE UPDATING FROM MORESLOTID 1.0:Press 3, wait for it to finish, and it’s done. In this screen, press 1, wait for it to finish, then press 2, wait for it to finish and it’s done. Execute MoreSlotID.exe by double clicking on it: Extract the file MoreSlotID.exe to your HoneySelect root directory ( where the main game’s executable is located): A. Also make sure to always have a clean backup of these, as it comes handy when you have to solve some issue.Ī. DOWNLOADīefore anything, make a backup of your *_Data folders in case anything goes wrong (it shouldn’t).

I don’t have a VR set so I can’t offer any help in this case.

If you’re interested in MoreSlotID working with the VR executable AND have a VR set, please contact lwlin through PM in HongFire. TL DR: Get it or you’ll have issues with mods using it. If you don’t have MoreSlotID and install Samus while having Jessica, the game will read both IDs as 200042, which will cause a conflict, and you’ll have issues. Samus head for example is 200972042, where Jessica is 200042. For example, if you have a mod which uses ID 209999211, but you don’t have MoreSlotID, the game will read it incorrectly as 209211, which will cause a conflcit with whatever else you had in 209211.Īn example is Jessica Rabbit conflicting with Samus. Without MoreSlotID, if you install one of these mods, the 9 digits will trim at the center. Most modders using it will tell you that the mod uses it. Well, if you want to use mods which use IDs with 9 digits, you need this. This is to avoid conflicts more than anything, and secondly so that we don’t have to use Illusion’s slots at all. Lots of mods, particularly from China, use it. It increases the limit of available integer IDs from XXXYYY (6 digits) to XXXYYYYYY (9 digits). MoreSlotID is a patch created by lwlin from ZODGAME (he’s also in HongFire). Please read the frequently asked questions page.